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Contra Costa County Courthouses

Contra Costa County has courts in six different locations. Here is a rundown of the locations of each courthouse in Contra Costa County.

Wakefield Taylor Courthouse

The Wakefield Taylor Courthouse was named after Wakefield Taylor, who served on the California Superior Court from 1951 to 1963 and on the California Court of Appeals from 1963 to 1982. Taylor lived in Martinez and died in 2005.

Wakefield Taylor Courthouse

The Wakefield Taylor Courthouse was named after Wakefield Taylor, who served on the California Superior Court from 1951 to 1963 and on the California Court of Appeals from 1963 to 1982. Taylor lived in Martinez and died in 2005.

725 Court Street
Martinez, CA 94553


8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


There is metered parking around and near the courthouse.

Cases Heard:

Civil, criminal, and probate cases are adjudicated at the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse.


The following judges are assigned to the Juvenile Justice Center.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
2 222 925-608-1102 Anita Santos Criminal Division
7 209 925-608-1107 Barry Baskin Presiding Judge
9 305 925-608-1109 John P. Devine Criminal Division
10 200 925-608-1110 Julia Campins
15 215 925-608-1115 Susanne M. Fenstermacher Civil Division
18 300 925-608-1118 Danielle K. Douglas Family Division (Supervising)
21 320 925-608-1121 Jill Fannin Civil Judge
30 201 925-608-1130 Virginia George Criminal Division
33 305 925-608-1133 Steven K. Austin Civil Division
36 312 925-608-1136 Clare Maier Criminal Division (Supervising)
39 301 925-608-1139 Edward Weil Civil/Probate (Supervising)
57 102 925-608-1157 Gina Dashman

A.F. Bray Courthouse

The A.F. Bray Courthouse was named after a former Superior Court Judge and California Court of Appeal Justice. It has nine courtrooms.

1020 Ward Street
Martinez, CA 94553


8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


There is metered parking around and near the courthouse.

Cases Heard:

Criminal cases are adjudicated at the A.F. Bray Courthouse.


The following judges are assigned to the A.F. Bray Courthouse.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
4 3025 925-608-1104 Mary Ann O’Malley Criminal Division (Supervising)
22 2016 925-608-1122 John Cope
23 3003 925-608-1123 Charles Burch
25 2003 925-608-1125 Jennifer Lee Family (DCSS Commissioner)
27 3012 925-608-1127 Terri Mockler Family Division
31 1001 925-608-1131 Laurel S. Brady Criminal Division
32 2012 925-608-1132 Joni T. Hiramoto Family Division
35 2025 925-608-1135 Theresa Canepa Criminal (Supervising/Master Calendar)
290 3016 925-608-1199 Rod Rolfeson (AJP)

A.F. Bray Annex

The A.F. Bray Annex is part of the A.F. Bray Courthouse, which was named after a former Superior Court Judge and California Court of Appeal Justice.

1020 Ward Street
Martinez, CA 94553


8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


There is metered parking around and near the courthouse.

Cases Heard:

Criminal cases are adjudicated at the A.F. Bray Annex.


The following judges are assigned to the A.F. Bray Annex.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
19 2 925-608-1119 Vacant
23 925-608-1105 Courtroom Vacant
20 25 925-608-1120 Nancy Davis Stark Criminal Division

Spinetta Family Law Center

The Spinetta Family Law Center is named after Peter L. Spinetta, a Saint Mary’s College graduate who served as a Contra Costa Superior Court Judge prior to his retirement in 2007. The Center houses five of the county’s seven family law courtrooms.

751 Pine Street
Martinez, CA 94553


8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


There is metered parking around and near the courthouse.

Court Divisions:

The Spinetta Family Law Center houses the Court’s Family Law Division.


The following judges are assigned to the Spinetta Family Law Center.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
16 229 925-608-1116 Benjamin T. Reyes II Criminal Division
17 233 925-608-1117 Wendy Coats Criminal Division
24 223 925-608-1124 Leslie G. Landau Juvenile Division
34 225 925-608-1134 Leonard E. Marquez Criminal Division
52 206 25-608-1152 Alexandria D. Quam

Arnason Justice Center

The Arnason Justice Center is named after Richard E. Arnason, who was appointed to the California Superior Court in 1963 and who retired in 2012. Arnason was known for presiding over complex trials, including the Scott Peterson trial. The Center houses seven courtrooms.

1000 Center Drive
Pittsburg, CA 94565


8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


There is free parking at a small lot next to the courthouse and at a larger lot on Civic Avenue.

Cases Heard:

Civil, small claims, criminal, and traffic cases are adjudicated at the Arnason Justice Center.


The following judges are assigned to the Arnason Justice Center.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
6 C 925-608-1106 David E. Goldstein Criminal (Specialty Courts)
11 D 925-608-1111 Brian Haynes Family Division
12 A 925-608-1112 Charles S. Treat Civil Division
14 B 925-608-1114 Kirk Athanasiou
50 E 925-608-1150 Palvir Shoker

George D. Carroll Courthouse

The George D. Carroll Courthouse was named after George Carroll, who was the first African American lawyer in Richmond, the first African American elected to the Richmond City Council, the first African American mayor of Richmond, and the first African American judge in Contra Costa County. He retired in 1985 and died in 2016 at the age of 94.

100 37th Street
Richmond, CA 94805


8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


There is free parking behind the courthouse.

Cases Heard:

Civil, small claims, criminal and traffic cases are adjudicated at the George D. Carroll Courthouse.


The following judges are assigned to the George D. Carroll Courthouse.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
3 209 510-942-2109 Patricia M. Scanlon Criminal Division
26 211 510-942-2111 Vacant
29 205 510-942-2116 Glenn Kim
40 213 510-942-2140 Christopher Bowen Criminal Division
54 (P.M. Only) 110 510-942-2154 Ayana Young

Walnut Creek Superior Court

The Walnut Creek Superior Court serves surrounding communities, including Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, Concord, Danville, Lafayette, and San Ramon. The Court houses four courtrooms.

640 Ygnacio Valley Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94596


8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


There is metered parking around and near the courthouse.

Court Division:

The Walnut Creek Superior Court houses the Court’s Juvenile Division.


The following judges are assigned to the Walnut Creek Superior Court.

Dept. Courtroom NO. Phone Judicial Officer Calendar Type
8 202 925-608-1108 John W. Kennedy Criminal Division (Traffic Supervising)
37 206 925-608-1137 Wade M. Rhyne Criminal Division (Misdemeanor)
38 205 925-608-1138 Barbara C. Hinton Juvenile Division (Supervising)
54 (A.M. Only) 106 925-608-1154 Ayana Young

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